Thursday, March 4, 2010

Five Question Friday

So here's the dealeo...MamaM asks 5 questions ever Friday! We post in our blogs our answers and have a whole ton of fun! Just keep reading and see just how much fun this is!

1. What's your guilty pleasure?

I don't really think I have guilty pleasure...the one snack that I love the most and WILL NOT GIVE UP is ranch dip and chips...seriously! Try to take that from me!

2. What is your favorite TV series?

What the heck!? Do I have to just say one? How's about a few...
*NCIS - love me some Abby & McGee!
*One Tree Hill - Love Love Love it!
*Secret Life of an American Teenager (I feel like a teen!)
*Gilmore Girls - I cried when this show went off the air!

3. Can you speak any foreign languages?

Yes one...and very few people can speak it...Jessicaism! LOL

4. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

If I count them...Fireman will make get rid of I have to keep that on the DL...follow me!?

I have to give you a number??? How bout a generalization? It's well in to the two digit range!

5. What's your favorite kind of M&M's...peanut, almond, straight up regular, etc.?

Peanut Butter! You know the ones in the red bag!? Heck yeah! Love me some PB M&Ms!

Now then...was that just a blast????'s your really you can do this!

Just hop over here and get to it! I don't see that mouse moving!!!!


  1. I love Gilmore Girls, I wish it was still on. They really should have a reunion episode :)

    Happy Friday

  2. LOL. My husband says that he is fluent in Jessica....especially when I was pregnant for our little monkey.
